crOwl i stood along the plywood staircase of your ramshackle house listening to you go on and on about how you almost wrecked on the slippery roads of this mountain landscape, as if you knew me like you know the people you name, all in the same out of breath tone that comes from splitting firewood until you get cramps in your legs. my hands were still numb from loading my pick-up and all the while i was hoping you wouldn't charge me more than a hundred dollars.

finally when you were finished telling your story, using adjectives to describe assholes, like "fartin," you asked for ninety-five and like i always do i had to leave with a compliment so i told you to say hello to joe and that he was a nice man.

love is this, this smell of work, this cold snowy morning, this look in the eye of some kind of genuine appreciation.
unhinged and you will take every advantage
and i will let you
and my love will slowly sour
already i'm tired
crOwl i had to throw my shirt away. 080523
mourninglight there will be a time when you realize that the now is just as important as forever.
I will love you now,
and perhaps, it won't be so insignificant after all..
unhinged and this torn feeling of needing to tell you
and being afraid to tell you
and watching you with other people
that couldn't surely know how great you are
just makes it too hard

if you knew how fucked up i really am
i'm sure you would have run the other way
long ago
jane until my soul slips away
in the middle of the night

leaving me to fend for myself
against the astrology of your face

i will love you until the sun
pries my eyes awake,
until the road terminates
in a watery mirage of snakes

until every song concludes
in a death rattle
and we are faced
with our mortality.
megan and then awhile more

and you can't stop me
suicidalchinadoll a long long while. 090711
auburn The story of my life. 110215
what's it to you?
who go