unhinged bodhichitta


all the anxiety
the sadness
the doubt
is my ego
trying to cover up the sun
of my heart
that threatens to burn it off
like so many clouds
Pilgrim The weariness of the flesh will often obscure the subtle connection that ties All things. No Matter What the Outcome, this Moment will have played an Indespensable Role. Nothing Is Without Purpose. A Lack of Understanding only effects Our Preception. How can the Finite Encompass the Infinite? surrender... 130328
Risen I don't think I've ever met it before.

She is goodness. A good person.

Basic goodness is forgiving the unfurgivabke, having an open and generous heart.

Even my mother - no fan ten years ago - is in awe of m'lady.

She is basic goodness, my compass. In all that I do I imagine her watching me, advising me.

I am striving towards goodness too.
unhinged you have it inside of you

a seed
waiting to sprout
what's it to you?
who go