silentbob they're getting bigger. i heard of them in the fall. i saw them at the beginning of december. Now they're on mtv2 020318
uow he died on thursday
he was born in 1972
nom on thursday i bought long underwear 051213
nom thursday was hello
friday was goodbye
sardines we started the day at ski school with me reading "an awesome book." you have heard about it right? dallas clayton's breakout best seller?

total captivation. applause at the end.

next...the snow show.

doodle do the chicken puppet sings the welcome song...

yeah. welcome to my world.

in the first class, there was major snow-blowing for fear of higher temps melting potential.

still, leah, alex and me had what it took. we even met the challenges with success.

do you do that?
raze quit trying to convince me you're saturday. i see you walking around in another day's clothes. i'm not falling for it. 140731
flowerock in my world thursday IS saturday and sunday is monday... 140731
kerry everybody canceled on me, even the weather. it was supposed to storm but it's stayed overcast.
walking my dog this morning i saw a little girl about four or five walking with her mother saying
it's overcast, it's overcast, what does overcast mean?
so should i water the salvia and roses?
raze now synonymous with carrot cake. when the world takes away most of what you've come to rely on, you find new things to look_forward to. things with raisins in them. 240215
what's it to you?
who go