nr sometimes people regret things they've put on the internet while under the influence or otherwise.

blather is like thought, which means it can't be bad (right?), but thoughts made permanent can be a scary thing.
e_o_i No worries. You should have seen me on blather blue in years past, wallowing in love and sadness over my sad sad breakup with the Austrian grad student. Right now I've got more regrets about real life, but that's neither here nor there (possibly it's both here and there, but it's not the point, because points are hypothetical and do not exist in actual space.) 130725
raze yeah...i think we've all said things we are (or were) a little embarrassed by at one time or another, or that later make us think, "should i really have hit the 'blather' button there?". i've certainly done that. but i think of blather as one of the few remaining places on the internet that's simultaneously public and private, where we can say anything we want and no one we know from the "real world" is going to read it unless we lead them here. i think that's one of the reasons there are so many beautiful and startlingly personal things that have been written here and on blue. and i think it's important to have a place to work through things away from the people who are sometimes a part of the things we're working through. 130725
past . 130725
nr it's not so much that i'm embarrassed (and e_o_i, i've definitely done my share of wallowing too), but i inevitably feel a bit uncomfortable with the fact that when i talk about other people, my thoughts are marked here as permanent, when in reality they're always changing or not even necessarily accurate. the discomfort is mostly when i talk about good people. (it's fun to rant against the jerks, on the other end of the spectrum!)

blather_is_blather, but for me these days maybe not everything is meant to be blather.
what's it to you?
who go