raze she asked if i had a headache. i laughed and said no. the leftover pills were to help my high, back when a high was a thing that still happened and it didn't mind getting some help.

i didn't finish them off, though. i gave the last of the pills to the most troubled girlfriend my dad ever had, after she was in a car accident that almost killed her, that pancaked her car, that should have killed her, that she was angry not to die in.

the great joke is, the thing that saved her life was the thing that would have killed her any other day. she was high out of her mind, and she wasn't wearing her seatbelt. so when she slammed into that tree, or street light, or whatever it was, she slid down onto the floor of the car, half comatose, her reflexes on leave, and got away with superficial injuries.

giving her a bandaid and what was left of my wisdom_teeth drugs felt like trying to reattach someone's dismembered limbs with elastic bands and transparent tape. it wasn't that the physical wounds needed more care. she'd already been to the hospital and got that. it was whatever had been wrecked and pancaked inside of her long before the blue dodge sedan went to hell. when her son, who wasn't yet a teenager, came at her with a knife, he wasn't trying to hurt her. i'd bet my life on it. he was trying to scare her into waking up, into being his mother again. but nothing was going to wake her up.

how she's still alive a decade and change later, i have no idea. but she is.
unhinged i loved these. they blurred edges. they numbed all kinds of pain. part of me was relieved when the perscription ran out. 150228
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