spoons You know I loved you so.
There is so much I miss about you.
I can't even begin to express the emptiness I feel everytime I get out of my car and your curious little face isn't looking up at me.
You were the only one who cared
appreciated and loved me
You were so cute!
How you would lay in my arms and let me rub your head or play with your toes.
It hurt how you always tried to lick my legs...
I loved how you threw yourself down at my feet just waiting to be picked up.
It was funny how you loved your litter box almost as much as me...
How you always threw it around and tried to sleep on it but I would never let you.
The way you could never get comfy at bedtime and would always walk across me from side to side
trying to settle.
How you would end up trying to sleep on my chest and would inevitably roll off and would put your feet on my face til I held you.
How you always tried to eat Naomi's chickens until they grew up and you decided you were scared of them.
You and pouf balls was just too funny.
You loved going for car rides and would stand on my leg to look out the window til the excitement ran low then you would curl up on my lap.
How from then on everytime a car door opened you tried to get in.
I miss you lounging about on the deck, flipping your tail with that "I'm too cool for you" grin on your face.
How you were the best kitty in the whole world...
love you and miss you babykins
silentbob Everyone is a fuckin napoleon 030408
what's it to you?
who go