slothisily i love you and you don't love me
i love you and you don't love me
and you don't love me

what could hurt more than this?
.&. how

some say
they see me

i think i see
.&. how

some say
they see

i see
kerry him

i looked into a spoon where my tongue had once been and knew i loved him.

it will be okay, he said over and over, softly, like snow.

and we want to cut ourselves up and quilt our pieces together, a patchwork of clay and gauze, plum and peach.
i'd dig networks of tunnels to get to him if i had to.


if you don’t need me, what’s the point of even falling in love?
crOwl when i read things like this all i can do is stare into space, see the words form images, shake my head. it's like eating when really hungry. drinking when parched. rubbed when your muscles ache.

so well written. just enough.
kerry thank you 050113
slothisily i love so much it hurts
i love so much it's tearing me apart
i can't even talk to her anymore
when you left, my last barrel of strength left
you're gone but i'm still here, left to clean up the pieces that i don't even want to clean up
it's my own family and i don't even want to clean up the pieces
in fact, i want to break a few pieces myself
it's my own family and i love them all so much it hurts, but i can't bring myself to say the things that need to be said or to do the things that need to be done
i love and i hate and i love
i love but love is not enough
love is never enough
nomme) my cat chicken 050710
cocoon i love me 050711
nom i love my love 070102
somniac love alone is not enough

love itself never claimed to be anything but just love

Love is just love.
Love is amazing.
mcdougall wooden buttons. 070326
. i'm angry today, where are you? 070326
what's it to you?
who go