gja You have done it again my friend.
Do you use a list? Do you cross it off as you go?
Do you wake early wondering, thinking, tasting it almost.
Or is it by feel? By instinct?
Definitely you are buttressed by your birthdays timing.
But this mere happenstance is not enough to explain the consistency of your cake.
I’ll try an analysis:

Guest listalways interestingthe right mix of the known, unknown and mildly mysterious without intimidation.
Numbers of said sameintimate without closeting; a sphere to circulate in.
And a new venue this timeperfect. Just on the edge of fashionable but without risk of unsightly edges. Contemporary; discreet; and overlooking –an air of prestige; exclusivity without contempt. Privilege without patronising.
Timing: climatically (no real effort of yours so thank your mum and dad for me) and temporally exciting. With a start time sort of spanning the unknown – providing opportunity for well….
Food. Did you dream that up? Who helped? There must have been someone.
Drinks on arrival – they were a treat. And then the change. I was caught a little off guard by the rigour with which this was enforced but then relaxed and put myself in your plan. It worked.
Music. Always knew you had it.
Plus the entertainment - at a minimum provided a talking point for those on the outer. (An ice breaker I think they call it.) For most it was a well placed hyphena bridge to beyond.
Lighting – have to meet who was responsible. Magical.
Foot rubs for the over shod.

I didn’t want it to end.
And then almost glad it did because now there is another to look forward to. And something to never forget.

More essential ingredients.

says thankyou.
what's it to you?
who go