epitome of incomprehensibility Last Monday, I signed up for a pool membership - "aquatic" membership, to be fancy.

It gives me access to the three outdoor Dorval pools for the summer.

I've gone swimming - and only in the nearest one - four times so far. In two weeks.

Things kept getting in the way: before I even bought the thing, when_the_dog_bites and then the office to buy memberships being closed on the weekend. After, a period (I'd forgotten about those). And laziness. And then getting a cold on Wednesday, after an early-bird swim.

At first I thought my sniffles were due to getting water in my nose. Then my throat got scratchy and I figured something else was up. I would have swum today, Saturday, but I'm still stuffy and I would feel gross and uncomfortable getting into a pool in this state whether I'm contagious or not.

Oh yes, and then there's work. I_asked_for_it.

But even through all this, and being the worst backstroker in the world (I keep going sideways and bumping into things), it's nice seeing a bit of my endurance returning. Last time, among my half-hour of back-and-forth laps, I did two laps of front crawl! ...Not consecutively.

Early Bird Swim: 7:00-8:30 AM every day. (I managed this twice.)

Adult Swim (not the TV channel): 12-1 weekdays, a little later on the weekend. (Also twice.)

General Swim, 3-9 PM most days - not so far. That's when it's busiest, and I feel like kids have more of a *right* to swimming pools. Because they can roam and be awestruck by floaty toys.

My writer self retains some childish imagination, but I'm more prosaic about pools now, so I prefer to take up space in the plain-Jane lane. Even if I bump into the rope or wall with my atrocious backstroke.
what's it to you?
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