Ft LoT Peace in our time!”

Hmm… Chamberlain got it right so why don’t we follow his lead! To any and all rouge states who may demand things from us, let us give them what they want that we may indeed have peace in our time!
Why stop there? Let us give in to any and everyone that may demand things from us individually! If a man demands my wallet then I shall give it to himotherwise he may hurt me! If my brother demands my parents buy him something then they should buy it for him or else he may scram and cry and create a general discomfort thereby disturbing domestic tranquility. If the neighbor demands my sister then I should allow him because otherwise he may be angry with me and wish bad things for me.

There are bad people out there and sometimes they must be kept in their place with violence. Why do some people not understand that? Violence is not the first choice and all reasonable measures to avoid it should be made but the use of it doesn't automatically elect one to ‘evildom’.
The Spork And the point of this screed is what, precisely?

In today's discourse, most of the people who wield the word "appeasement" in this sense are, to some extent or other, imperialists and use the word as a bludgeon or, more aptly a paintbrush with which to tar the bearer of any more moderate or opposed voice

Force and violence when necessary are fine, to deny such is to overlook the baser, but still ever-present animal sides of our nature...

but to pursue a particular course of action based more on needing to provide a vulgar display of power than for genuine strategic, defensive, or retaliatory purposes is Jingoism at best and at worst, teeters on the edge of fascism

And, ironically enough, it is most often true that the people who decry the appeasement of others are really only demanding it for themselves instead
Cicero Screed, eh? The only thing tedious on this page is your vocabulary.

Here’s a word for you: Brevity.

As in: Your writing lacks brevity.

Fascism is not a progression of jingoism, although a fascist government will often push extreme nationalism on its population.

I guess the great and enlightened moderate Lord Chamberlain gave Adolph one too many Scooby Snacks. The bastard ended up grabbing the whole box and whacking Western Europe around with it.

A “vulgar display of powersometimes serves a “genuine strategic, defensive, or retaliatory purpose[]…” It can discourage belligerent nations, especially nations indoctrinating their populations with violent religious fanaticism, from gettin’ too darn uppity.

Ft Lot is cautioning against giving homicidal egomaniacs too much freedom.

P.S. Your second paragraph is unintelligible.

another word With the world being divided into "Those with us" and "Those against us" (who and whatever we are) I believe appeasement is becoming something nations are practicing in regards to us and not overtly fascist states. 050416
z who writes history now? 050418
what's it to you?
who go