rollins Don't come close
I'll hurt you
It's all I know how to do
I can't translate the pain into words
that don't cause pain
Don't tell me you love me
You'll make me think of my mother
And 1,000 broken windows
Years of knotted screams into the bed
So much hate it would break your ribs
I put the miles through my eyes
I slam silence into my brain
Anything to get away
Walk away from me as fast as you can
Never speak of me or to me again
It's too late
For all that
Death is the only shadow on my road
unhinged he said 'you must be really sensitive'
i say 'no i just must be really stupid'
but no matter how hard i try i just can't not care. i want to shove into your brain the understanding that i somehow can't communicate, but it doesn't translate. we are too different people and we will always do nothing but fight. so i'll just leave it.
epitome of incomprehensibility My meagre German skills coming in handy ("Handy" is cell phone in German slang, incidentally): seeing "ich höre es mir jeden Tag an geilstes Lied der Welt" in a comment and slowly coming up with "every day I listen to the coolest song in the world."

Google_Translate says "hottest" instead of coolest. But they mean the same thing.

Popularity isn't heat-sensitive in the Germanic language family, apparently.
what's it to you?
who go