cocoon Blargh. Sometimes I feel like I cant write proper English anymore. Its like when I'm speaking and I'm talking too fast and I get mixed up and I have to have that moment to sort of, clear out my tongue. Well, my written English is getting like that too.

Like now, I type out things, and then I read it, and there's things where there shouldnt be, and my grammar is going to hell and I have to stop and go 'Right. What exactly am I trying to say here?'. Because whats written is not what was in my head.

Its funny because I realised that I like to write, but I only write when I have to. And now that theres no more English A1 Higher to make me write anymore, I never do it. Which is a bit of a shame I suppose. But its like, I dont want to write without a purpose. And seeing as how Im never hit with any lightning bolts of inspiration telling me "Write this!" then I dont write unless (as is what happened) it pops up on an exam question (making everyone go, "Aargh, what the hell?!) and then I have to.

Then I have fun.
what's it to you?
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