Bizzar when i want to just dip my toe in, but can't seem to resist complete submersion. your depths are surely full of peril, but i just can't seem to keep myself from exploring.

and every time i turn away, you whisper my name and pull me back under. and for some reason, i want to drown in you.
Bizzar your eyes were a siren’s song, a beautiful melody crafted specifically for me. my own personal poison.

our dance played like a movie. one of those silly, overacted dream sequences, as you spun me around, pulling me tight to you to keep our center of gravity balanced. the entire world spinning around us, and the only thing clear was the glow of your eyes. the way they grinned at me. so confident and cool, maybe because you know the effect you have over me. maybe because the comfort is new to you too.

this was the first time i allowed myself to get lost in the the feel of you in this way. that i allowed myself to believe, just for one night, that my feelings for you were returned. because for that brief and beautiful moment, it felt real. it was everything that mattered and it felt real.

and if there is a god above, let her allow me this memory forever. let it live forever in my mind this vivid and clear. your eyes. i would gladly drown in them for the chance to be submerged once more. to be wrapped in the embrace of your stare. to feel the warmth of your smile wash over me as your arms steady my trembling gait.

as i sit here and recall it. all that I can do is feel sorry for the rest of the world that has never gotten to experience the majesty that is you. and thank whatever stars aligned that allowed me to be lucky enough to witness it.
what's it to you?
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