tender_square brené brown has this concept in her writings about the inner critic and how the statements it makes creates mind gremlins. i'm paraphrasing, but it's something like we need to identify the gremlin and see it for what it really is, that there's no truth in what it's saying and/or that the logic is skewed. i guess i'm starting this blathe with the intention of documenting those gremlins, and i invite others to join in too. 230515
tender_square "i don't want to spend time with my friends because i have nothing good to talk about."

since when is friendship about speaking only to the good things happening in one's life? there is a worry that by owning my shit with others i will be a downer, and that when visiting with others i should be upbeat and entertaining when no one is setting that expectation but me. i possess this gremlin even though i am not someone who wallows in misery, and who tries to find the bright spots in the toughest scenarios.
epitome of incomprehensibility I like this terminology. It reminds me of how my dad would call Microsoft Word's spelling and grammar check "gremlins" - except those ones weren't as much of a problem, just sometimes erroneous.

My mind gremlins like to exaggerate things: "You're always clueless, especially in contrast to everyone around you. They always know what's going on."
what's it to you?
who go