frAnk we sat a long time in silence. the woman who walked the trapeze fell asleep soon after she sat down, saying something about being exhausted from a torrent of verbal abuse she had taken from a cellfone conversation with her husband who is a sous chef at bellini in victoria.

hilary pulled something out of her carry-on. i already knew what it was even before she started eating it and she knew i wanted a piece without even asking me.

little candy fruits. christmas on the tongue.
exposure boy kerry loved this word... 080227
kerry i still love this word.
(who is that exposure boy??)

when it came up as one of three words today i thought
aha! perfect!
a tasty morsel to use for some blathering and rambling.

when i spent a semester in hungary we went to all these little towns and they all had--no lie--marzipan "museums." i have pictures to prove it if you don't believe me. that was what solidified my love for marzipan.

i went to the grocery store today and nearly bought alex's favorite ritter bar, marzipan in dark chocolate, but i don't get paid until halloween and the dark chocolate with mint was on sale.

i bought him a box of marzipan fruits for christmas: peaches, pears, and oranges. he ate them a-third-at-a-time. marzipan is decadent, almost a not-food, kind of a joke in itself. you see it in the form of dyed fruits, critters, hearts and stars
with the other holiday sweets in the front of the store in glossy boxes with fussy ribbons.
but it's just sugar and honey and almonds, nothing complicated. you can find it in the baking section with the flours and sugars and extracts and birthday candles. it comes in a little tube and you wouldn't notice it unless you were really looking.
epitome of incomprehensibility I'm not big on it, but these descriptions make it sound delectable! At least the idea of it.

My brother sometimes buys marzipan candy from the Panier. And I think from the Geographically Confused Bakery* in Pointe Claire.

*It's called Swiss Vienna, like they don't know where Vienna is.
what's it to you?
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