belly fire started out as that lined sheet of paper you ripped out of your french binder and tacked on the back of your bedroom door
or maybe it was your math binder, I guess I wouldn't know since we were fighting then
reminds me of a truce (that didn't hold up its end of the bargain) when you asked me over and I was jealous because you bought a whole drawer of cds without me there
when all I had were tapes at the time
it sorta bothered me that I was uncomfortable in your room after so many visits and sleep-overs and weekends where your parents kinda left you
when you left me alone I read the words you had scribbled and I thought they were gorgeous, not having realized they were a rip-off of a rip-off
I pretended to know what you were talking about when you carried on and on about how the pumpkins were changing your views on alternative rock
it didn't take me long to see how Billy's scratched out vocals and basement acoustics felt more real to me than anything Fleetwood Mac-ish so I learned to love it as my own
I got a little older and we later learned to bond over our scarred flesh (you're an artist afterall), learned to enjoy your company again (my end of the bargain)
this burned out tune plays in my car along with the memory of that back-of-the-bedroom-door-tribute-a-la-Hilroy
silentbob fifteen does a bit of business in their song liberation II that involves the chorus. they just throw it in there at the end.
well, i've been afraid of changin'
'cause i've built my life around you
but time makes you bolder
even children get older
and i'm getting older too
megan can you see me in that snow covered hill? 030129
what's it to you?
who go