fallen the emotions...cradled within...swirling still...the repetition of dream
your blinking eyes

so much of me still craves you.....our scheduled doses of each other.......still craved

there are no more doses

i want to bleed for you....our breath to
meet as one...

where are you?
what happened?
how can I be o.k. ....o.k. again?

so much of me wants you....wants to find the balance

so much knows the danger.....the repulsion of that desire...knows the hearbreak....knows the resulting wounds....knows the loss....fears the cradled desire of you...

the love....oh the love... you once taught this to me.....only to tug it away

tell me....teach do I stop wanting to share the love with you......the love you showed me......the doors you opened?....please tell me......



you will never hold me ....never again...

is it a weakness?....a weakness of mine......this longing for you
fallen this other part of me...yet still all the assembled pieces

i miss the revelling debauchery
the other side of the coin

the house cat on the sofa....not really a cat....but adored as one

the always warm bed

where are all the beautiful lovers of days gone by?....why can I not find any fit to wear those shoes?...

mmmmm the deep throated howls at the moon....the dancing........the hunt

not only has the magic ticket been lost.........but so has this

will somebody please come lay on my altar?...will somebody please show me I still know the way?......and yes the true secret is......i still know the way.....i just need new eyes to show me

i want to taste your blood.......yes, we have not met yet.....i want to taste your tears, your sweat...see your writhing form...i want to quench my wily spirit with your electric touch...

i will bend you to my long as you let me

you can bend me to yours.....i will let long as it is fun......a bit messy........moist....

we can share hidden fingertip_tracings .
..we can giggle...let me see your hidden my mona lisa

maybe you can be the one to sate me....mmm maybe

maybe you won't be the one to grow to detest me...where are you?
jess jess likes it when it hurts *sings* i like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane, its my aeroplane... 020406
blue sharpie kiss it 020717
what's it to you?
who go