epitome of incomprehensibility I didn't think it was all that great a movie: it seemed to want to be another Amadeus... stubborn tempestuous composer shown with impressionistic dramatic flair, check... but this one doesn't seem solid enough to justify such grandiosity.

One irritating flaw, for example: Beethoven seems to age 50 years in the same time his (alleged) Immortal Beloved ages about 10. Be consistent, you guys. It's not like women can't get old - or, if old, are suddenly (even retroactively) unlovable.

Perhaps she was actually supposed to be immortal - like a vampire or something! Beethoven and the Vampire. All together now: still a better love story than Twilight.

Also, there's no real reason to make Beethoven look 70 years old when in real life he died at 56. Apparently during a thunderstorm.

But then there was this beautiful, eerie scene near the end. A flashback set to his last symphony. The young Beethoven runs out in the woods, away from his alcoholic father, and finds a pond lit by moonlight and reflecting the stars.

He slips inside as the choral part of his ninth symphony plays, and floats on his back amidst the stars. The camera zooms out to more stars than the pond could hold, more and more of them surrounding him, until Beethoven is a tiny spark in a galaxy of light.
e_o_i Now I feel like watching this again, just for that last scene.

I'm a sucker for composer-related things, sometimes, even silly ones. My favourite "Epic Rap Battles of History" episode is Mozart vs. Skrillex.
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