fallen a deadly sin 010128
Frizzie That one time I payed that whore for money but fell short so I started paying her in yearly installments. She wasn't the brightest branch in the tree.

So to pay her off I started capturing fat men in little coats and sucked off their fat and sold it to a man with a deep fat fryer. That man used the fat that he payed for to make food in a fryer for the Knights of Columbus.

Sadly the fat i sold him was contaminated with actual Canola Oil then I had to sell my soul to him for forgiveness. Then the Fat men I had captured escaped,they were deguised FBI men in Canola Oil filled coats. They didn't press charges, but the Knights of Columbus got screwed over because they had to pay extra money to the deep fat fryer guy for the more expensive fat for the fryer, which was Canola Oil, this drived them to have to raise funds to order more chairs for increasing numbers in the Knights of Columbus. Sadly they had to steal from the Canadians. Sadly the Canadians couldn't do anything aboot it and went back to Canada to play Hockey.

The next year the FBI arrested the Canadians for illegally having money stolen from them when they were border jumpers from Canada who were trying to escape across America to Mexico because Canada was being invaded by Wolly Mammoths (so they say). Then they Where fattened up and sold as slaves in little coats to have the rich creamy fat drained from them to be made into frying oil.

Hey what could the Canadians do aboot it.


Oops i farted
coadslfkjds;lakf poop 010306
Cows Man Hmmm.... 010315
what's it to you?
who go