unhinged i expanded my heart and my mind enough in the last year to start loving myself. at times, i still catch myself being shocked at the novelty of the sensation. that what i spent years looking for in others was always right there inside of me.

i'm still lonely. but it's okay. i'll wait til i find what i deserve instead of taking what i can get.

from a standard perspective, like my father's, i've pretty much wasted the last year of my life, without a job, wandering far away from home. home doesn't feel safe for me anymore. but i feel like i got a lot done this year. but for everyone else there are no tangible results so they judge me as useless and unproductive. that's okay. their usefulness and productivity are only a mask to their suffering. i peeled my mask away. i still wear it when i leave home, but i finally learned how to take it off.
megan acorn
between rubber and concrete
what's it to you?
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