skyburst777 sitting here, worried

woke up a few minutes ago
from one bad dream into another
nom it was funny at the art show i was talking with two of my sister's ex-waitresses whose names i couldn't remember for the life of me even though i know their names so well i was just so tired and braindead it was sad when they asked me what i was doing with my time i said nothing just being a bum and they laughed and said something about how nice that must be and i said yeah or something but didn't explain about my health they don't know because i didn't want to say anything before when i was trying to help at the cafe and i didn't feel like saying anything at the show i just don't like having to explain all the time and have people say that i look fine they can't see my genes what's going on inside me it hurts that i try to hide it still i don't think at that point they realized i was part of the show they hadn't walked over to my wall yet but later i saw they did and noticed they were smiling they liked one of the buildings i drew i told them the story behind it but i was tired and nervous didn't tell the story very well 070415
what's it to you?
who go