bijou it's weird. he's got this friend, a chick, and she's having some problems. so he insists that she stay at his apartment so he can keep an eye on her. i understand what kind of friends they are, they have an odd history and they've seen each other at their very worst, i have had that kind of friend before.

but she sleeps in his bed with him.

and she gives me a really strange feeling. they have a history that i do not fully understand but she's in love with him, still.

we sat on the couch, holding hands and heads on shoulders. there was a slamming of doors, a clanking a bottles, angry sighs throughout the apartment. then he was summoned to the bedroom with a "we need to talk."

i don't know why they needed to talk. people are so weird.

i can't decide if this is worth it.

she doesn't wear pants to bed.
bijou she had a few things to say to me last night.

it's funny how people can make me think i have done something wrong.

it took me a second to remember not to feel guilty.

it's also funny how all the things people go thru as far as love goes are all the same things. all the situations are the same, there's only a few of them.
what's it to you?
who go