epitome of incomprehensibility
1. Practical banana samples allow for a greater regional crochet flip. Denaturized shoe pudding lurks exactly where the highlights falter, so remember to categorize the offput ubermensch. 2. Take a moment to codify the handlebars of greed. Longingly. 3. Without a provocative drop-down menu, no golden park chop implies forest-friendly musings. Only the oil companies love oceans poetically. 4. Furthermore, in moral markings, the advent of halogen puppies is no cause for croutons. The secret? Acid-free beam supports for the fuller figurehead. 5. Simply linking loopily to leaps and leaps of light will take years off your mortgage floss. Anna Livia Plurabelle as service provider is a proven goose squeeze; it's like teaching your grandmother metaphors. 6. Of course, no home would be complete without Plumtree's Potted Meat. Practice diligence wisely. 7. Terabytes of fingernail styles are at your fingertips. Speak with our licensed bacterial colorists for misinformation. 8. Opera candies vary widely from glove to glove. Leggings enmeshed in unsealable foil provide glue for select congressional analyses. Don't leave your car without one. 9. Filibuster etymologies got you down? Try our new sacroiliac pawnbroker. Fast fusion guaranteed. 10. For pure marking copy, inhale elegance in practiced lurches. Reify commodity fetishism with finesse. Rule of thumb: never say "heteronormative synecdoche" the same way twice. 11. Rant about garden_variety vegetables. If it weeds, it leads.
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amy anthropology
i read a few sentences of this, randomly up and down the page, slammed down the ipad, and laughed and laughed. it's going to blow away everybody in the meeting! too funny.
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no reason
yeah, this should totally be a cover letter.
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