mon *will 031229
whitechocolatewalrus wilt 031229
mon willow 031229
whitechocolatewalrus wild 031229
mon william 031229
whitechocolatewalrus wilson 031229
mon willkommen 031229
whitechocolatewalrus will-o'-the-wisp 031230
mon wilburys 031230
whitechocolatewalrus wilhelm 031230
mt wilted 031230
mt urp. nevermind. 031230
mon wilf 031230
Doar lpower 031231
whitechocolatewalrus williwaw 031231
mon willamette 031231
whitechocolatewalrus wily 040101
just listening I wish there was another one to make me laugh like you. Something so comforting about laughter.

I'm not a stalker... really.
cel wil-e-cyote 040710
god wilhelm, it's not stalking if they're going to marry you... 041010
what's it to you?
who go