tender_square longing is different from craving; it’s the craving of the soul. you want to go home. in our culture it’s confused with depression. and it’s not. there’s a saying in sufism: ‘sufism was at first heartache. only later, it became something to write about.’

like everything that is created, love has a dual nature, positive and negative, masculine and feminine. the masculine side of love isi love you.’ love’s feminine quality isi am waiting for you; i am longing for you.’ for the mystic, it is the feminine side of love, the longing, the cup waiting to be filled, that takes us back to god…because our culture has for so long rejected the feminine, we have lost touch with the potency of longing. many people feel this pain in their heart and do not know it’s value; they do not know that this is their innermost connection to love.

if you’re taken by longing, live it. you can’t go wrong. if you’re going to go to god, go with sweet sorrow in the soul.”

—dr. llewellyn vaughan-lee, quoted inbittersweet: how sorrow and longing make us wholeby susan cain (51¬–52)
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