mon just after midnight i was making a shiitake burger when a squirrel crawled through the broken glass door of the fireplace

he ran all over the room, nearly ran up my leg
jumped up on the bookcase and hid in a stack of old books

our cats were goin wacky chasing it, but the squirrel was doing a great job at hiding
i saw her belly, fat
i figured she must be pregnant

my dad got her off the bookcase by pushing the books off with part of my wooden niddy noddy

the squirrel went flying off the shelf with the books, ran across the room and jumped up on the couch where my mom was sitting, she quickly jumped up and fled from the room screaming argghhaaaahhhh!

the cats all jumped after it, batting at it, trying to corner it

my funny cat, he stood there trying to get it, but it jumped right up on his back!
it was just like the he jumped on the old blue-eyed dog! we all laughed that it was his karma..
the look on his face was priceless
it was completely hilarious

the squirrel then jumped and climbed up the curtain to the top of the wall where she found a prayer flag to hang from

my dad got a cat cage and held it up in front of it, trapping her inside the cage

we took it outside and let it go and it ran across the thin layer of snow and way up into a pear tree

i picked up the books that had fallen and read the titles
one of them was "anything can happen"
another was
"tales from the midnight hour"
mon needs to sleep *it was just like the he jumped on the old blue-eyed dog!

it was just like the time he jumped on the back of the blue-eyed dog
crOwl i wonder what the particular prayer flag was entreating? 040302
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who go