two twisting the wheel
on your kaleidoscopic emotions
and i'm not sure which colors are the real you anymore

hot cold on off black white up down left right love indifference orange blue


unknown, doubt it'll ever be known.
ever be certain.
ever be written in ink.

always in pencil.
always in #4 pencil.

your fingers always running down the paper and i never know what you feel because all i ever see is a blur of wordsthoughtsyou mixed together
and the graphite dust on your hands

whether this means youre hiding the truth
or enjoying the look of confusion playing across my face

- two children in the park of my heart
hope and fear
and they're playing jumprope
hope always trips -

i don't know what to say anymore to you
i dont want to say anything
i want you to want to say things to me
to comfort me
to ask me what is wrong
to make things right
fix them

i know you wont because you havent before

so i close the notebook and leave

but ill probably be back
and you know why, by now
or at least you should

i wish my heart had a wheel i could turn
the way yours does

my heart?

it is an oil painting.
crOwl nice. 040410
cocoon very nice 040417
what's it to you?
who go