crOwl we tied it upside down
no one noticed
and that's when i realized that rarely do others observe what we do
they judge, based on sol ecicumstance, yet our film played before the screen of their eyes is typically blurry, at least, if not in a foreign language.
whoa sorry for the hacked spelling, but i know you know what i'm saying. 061221
Syrope it sure was nice spending some time with you today.

stephen king
one wrecked angle i am to you a few thousand miles away.
i am to you a strong beam of support as you fight through.
i am to you a former lover and a future question mark.
i am to you missed, and the converse.
i am to you an uncertainty a complexity a confusion.
i am to you the past, for neither can see a merging path.
i am to you my sadness.
claudiu general, about this site : superb game of creativity

mirror of the self, empathy
c r 0 w l a mirror...look into it...

what do you see? beauty? disgust?

either way, you see.

vision apparent. what with time, we turn.
what's it to you?
who go