unhinged i have a secret for you that will help you on how_to_figure_out_the_universe (but i'll go tell you over there)

yes, you remind me of my brother because of the drugs and the girls and the sports and the way you think; sometimes i am convinced you are my brother lurking around here. but paranoia convinces me of a lot of strange things ;-)

i really am glad to see you back. i haven't had many people to interact with around here for awhile. you make me smile bro.
unhinged if i give you a list could you go have a "talk" with a few people? 050717
Norm Give me the short list, I am a busy man after all. Like, how severe a dialogue are we talking here? You want they should, um, exhale? 050719
unhinged eh, nevermind

i've been having some problems with my parents lately, but i guess those are best solved by moving as far away as possible.
unhinged saw you were back in town yesterday and it made me smile.

what's up duder?
misstree you have long fascinated me.
you are the attraction of an ocean cliff,
heart beating as feet carry me forward
to feel wind whipping as i stare crazily down
dizzy, toes inches from forever.

you are beautiful
because you are dangerous and free
both noble and debased
poised strength and swirling maelstrom
and something else, something unnamable, within.

it is only right that you know this.
welcome home red carpet is out. 080311
what's it to you?
who go