unhinged everything is breaking, ending 100907
lostgirl all i do is cry. 100908
lostgirl walking_through_a_minefield 100908
unhinged (me too


but i was reading some pema chodron today that convinced me that my tears are ok; i sat on my cushion massaging my heart and said 'it's ok to be broken'

i still miss him; i still want to call him, see him. shit. there was something about him that spoke to a part of me that usually goes unnoticed, unheard.)
unhinged there is no parachute

the suffering of the world is so pervasive and so fucking insidious that most people walk around never realizing how inherently beautiful they are.

that sucks beyond words. there is no parachute for that.
unhinged we bring ourselves back with the suchness of our breath

i am pretty damn excited by this path these days. the results are encouraging.
unhinged be kind
be gentle

we are all just beings
flailing in the water
reaching out for something solid
that we never quite grasp

all i can give
would never be enough
to hold onto

be kind
unhinged i don't know how to be kind or gentle with him anymore. i feel like an emotional garbage dump. i have enough of my own damn misery and i'm not a trained therapist. 121009
unhinged still floating
still falling

still waiting to hit the bottom
that never comes
unhinged my_depression_is_a_hole_in_the_ground (on blue) 150701
what's it to you?
who go