the luminous lunar circle of perfection was a stunning spectacle at the fireworks display tonight, blatantly making its presence known as the current center of the universe as the colorful explosions seemed to decorate the sky in its exclusive honor. as for me, well, i just felt the stress melt away as i ooohed and aaahhhed like a little girl for a few minutes...
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he texted me that they were all getting together at reservoir park to watch the summerfest big bang fireworks and i should come. it always surprises me when people invite me to things. (maybe a lingering remnant of my childhood shyness, inferiority_complex ) i wasn't really feeling it at work, but i figured i better take advantage of the invitation since i knew jason would be busy and i would be otherwise sulking at home. i was the first person to get there. as usual. i climbed up the five or so flights of stairs carved into the side of the hill and most definitely said out loud 'wow, i didn't even know this was here' such an amazing view of the eastside and downtown. the moon was four fifths full. the three of them showed up with some pbr and mgd. gave me some lame one armed hugs. slowly but surely the rest of the gang started to trickle in. from far away, fireworks are not as cool as you want them to be. 'looks like a full moon tonight.' rapper with a harvard education holding his ma around the waist. me being the astronomy dork that i am and having a uterus that is pulled by the full moon 'nah, it's waxing' he made some comment about waxing and waning in a self_deprecating way, trying to play off as usual how smart he really is. we chilled at the park a little while longer drinking up most of the beer before we decided to move on to amy's house for a bonfire. hopped to a couple of bars after that. i tried to catch the bus; but it was the first night of summerfest and the buses were packt_like_sardines_in_a_crushd_tin_box and i had my violin with me, borderline too wasted. an older hispanic man was talking to me at the busstop. waved down a taxi and invited me to get in since we were going the same way. he paid for the whole ride even though he got out before me. the moon was four fifths full
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