now_now if ears could read 080411
hsg i listen to audio at 200%-300% normal speed. my ability to comprehend audio is AMAZING. not sure why. except that i can, at times, think very quickly. in fact, after having listened to some people talk down south i realized that by the time they got their words out i had built entire cities within their letters.

anybody have a list of good sources for free audio on the web? i google and google but this is one thing i usually have a hard time finding.

cr0wl are you a podcaster?
helpful? 080813
raze we made these for each other once. little pieces of our lives in sound form. such earnestness in your voice, before i knew how selfish a child swaddled in a man's clothes could be. and maybe somewhere in your empty syntax there's an answer to a question i've been asking all my life. but i didn't listen long enough to hear it then, and i won't listen now. there are other, more important voices fighting to be heard. 220118
what's it to you?
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