epitome of incomprehensibility Memorial (also a blathe about today) about a day featuring

-postponement of tutoring class

-vacillation, dog-walking, piano-playing

-train-riding and writing application

-tea-drinking and writing application

-Concordia-sitting (Saturday-snug in the mezzanine) and writing application

-then being reminded of and continuing a memorial to the living - the dead past of the living, their passed-away hours

-concert-listening, scribbling notes, not succeeding in neighbour-talking much but still feeling a friendly fellow-feeling

-walking, restless, down Maisonneuve to the McGill area (quiet at 9 PM on Saturday) then going back along Sherbrooke (likewise) and down Crescent through crowded clumps of sidewalk life outside the night of bars and restaurants

-bubble-tea-drinking in a place near the train station open late, writing application

-train-taking at 10:30, writing but not much application

-winding down, herbal tea, blathering; trying to make English an argument-incorporation language by using too many damn hyphens, swearing like it's 1950 (why not, dammit)
e_o_i Saw this just after I finished, similar format but more dialogic: not_the_words_I_should_be_speaking, mostly by tilt 240127
e_o_i I'd brought supper to eat in the mezzanine, supper is important, and I shouldn't have caffeine_at_night, that or sugar, except that it's fun 240127
what's it to you?
who go