minus and maroon,

that's what i'm seeing,


ed we call it red because they named it red 010301
dean-bean Pink and perfect. 010301
plus indeed, this anything but red is not suited to my majesty
this RGB magenta is just a visual catastrophe

tradegy even

this is definately maroon
maxwell thorne Light Purple
Light Blue
Light Green
Light Yellow
Light Orange

Dark Orange
Dark Yellow
Dark Green
Dark Blue
Dark Purple

I always thought red was a little full of itself.
brown cardigan boy gwen stefani 010305
anonymouse ew 010823
silentbob i was in fourth grade when i heard the name pink floyd. it was on craig johnsons shirt. it wasnt until years later that i actually heard how they sound. 010824
Tank i see this is where my favourite people to read have gone... i also see that since it considered more pink, i am liking it more... very baa like of me i know, or, to look more positively upon myself, perhaps it just took me a while to come around...

anyways, nice to read people i have't read in a while...
nocturnal can't wear it. clashes with my hair. doesn't bother me though, cuz I hate the colour anyway. 011110
w o w the only good thing
about this colour
is the band
pink floyd
red-crested birdmad don't forget the sight of the rosy blush beneath pale skin

strawberry ice_cream

the here_and_there colors of flowers

the delicate edges of high thin clouds against the sunset
unhinged "i'm gonna puke cause this mother-fucking song's retarded" 020326
lulie the color of red ribbons left in the sun too long. 020326
what's it to you?
who go