from now on it happens before sleep
the feeling, the knowing
another day i have failed
crOwl perhaps yourself but not others. 041026
from now on hmm? 041026
monee by failing myself, i fail others 041220
mon uow i just keep letting_myself_down, and it hurts 050223
skyburst777 it happens too often it happens 050607
Lemon_Soda You have an inkling of your resolve, then. Identifying it as a test of willpower helps. You CAN do it...or not do it, as the case may be. There is no failure unless you stop trying. To give up the fight is to fail. Raise your self esteem and you will be better equipped to handle your "failings". Promises to ourselves are the hardest and easiest to keep. Remeber that it is only self defeating thought patterns that cause you to waiver from your choice.

But hey, it happens.
carp t'was and tis a relative issue...



though, perhaps tis time I move on from here... ;)
nomme) dance 050725
nom) whatever happens
everything happens
it just so happens
nom) when wind ripples the grass
leaves of trees sing dance
i feel alive somehow happy
nom i am determined 060123
nom failureness 070325
n o m e e daily, anew 101029
n o m e e happened, still happening 101217
what's it to you?
who go