raze we seek food and shelter. some of us are loners, while others travel in packs. we observe certain social rules, or flaunt them and face the consequences. we will fight to protect our homes and those we love. we improvise and adapt to the best of our abilities, as the need arises.

we're really not so different from the rest of the animals. we're just sharper dressers. when it comes right down to it, we'll bare our teeth and piss to mark our territory too.
PeeT i just wish i had fucking wings. 130119
raze me too, man. to soar above it all... 130119
e_o_I I like dreaming about animals. They act so unexpectedly.

Occasionally dream animals are scary and try to attack me - or, on the flip side, sometimes I'm sadistic and try to trap them in confined spaces or pull them apart (more so in the past then now) - but usually there's a sort of respect and curiosity, even when they might seem gross or strange.
epitome of incomprehensibility In real life, there were two small grey fluffy dogs tied to a post when I was returning from Work 1 today. I stopped, leaned down, and patted one on the head. It was curious too and licked my hand. I tried to touch the other but it shied away, so I left it alone.

A few days ago, I saw some sort of Internet item (news? ad?) about "How to Clean a Corgi" and I thought a corgi was a car. It's a dog.

My respect of dogs doesn't often extend to knowing their names, I'm afraid, at least not the names of breeds. If they took over the world, I'd be in trouble.
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