kerry they say that morning glory is not a vine but a glorified weed, that it will take over your whole house and yard if you don't look out
i say go right ahead
i braid the tendrils
weave it through the wrought iron rail
it's nearing the garbage can now
it'll reach the wall soon enough
what i love about morning glory is how the blossoms twirl like little umbrellas to rest at night. we should all rest more.
unhinged i have a great photo of
urban trumpet flowers
in their full weedy glory
wrapped around the chain link
of a construction fence
on the busy road i live on
the taut membranes of petals
stretched around the structure
of the plant
like batwings
flying flaps
of pacific northwest squirrels
of the 'flying' variety

is an amateur biologist in her freetime
unhinged i want to curl up with him the way a morning glory wraps itself around anything strong enough to hold it up in it's neverending quest for the sun

raze my kitchen window looks out on the fence that separates my driveway from my neighbour's backyard. i was making breakfast when i saw a vine taped to the top backer rail of her fence to stop it from creeping over.

this is the same neighbour who killed a beautiful tree that had been in front of her house for decades before she owned it. she thought it was growing funny. now she was trying to tell a vine what to do with scotch tape.

i had three-quarters of a mind to walk over there and say, "let that shit grow the way it wants to. you can't control everything. you can't always bend life where you want it to go."

i got a closer look and saw it wasn't a vine. it was a string of christmas lights.

i still see a vine. and i still want to rip away that strip of tape and set it free.
what's it to you?
who go