gja Oh yeah sure - there's your cattle feed, chook feed, pig feed, horse feed, duck feed every other bloated tummy scraping pedoquad scratching for pre-swallowed food called feed, feed.
So whatever good came out of a trough? Huh?
You stand pissing next to someone you don’t know with the stuff their body doesn’t want practically running over your shoes. You try not to gag just to save their feelings but that all ends miserably like the phlegm you drip from your mouth on longs strings past your barely meeting shirt hems with the latest crop of middle aged belly hair protruding to remind you that all is is not as it once was.

And then there is the rain bringer off the south east coast - sits for days befouling summer or making winter more miserable than it ever needs to beoh good. Wet and cold.

And then there’s the bloke at the rat parties who drags himself into a better, well, trough. Trough man they called him. Trough Man.

Trough. It’s not me. It’s you.
You said:
I think you might be in a trough.”
I thought:
"You better fucking believe it."
what's it to you?
who go