birdmad twist the blinds part-way open

kittens sit on the window-ledge

clouds roll in

their little stray half-siblings dart here and there in the courtyard lawn

dark cloud tendrils hang low

sound of Robert Johnson on an old cassette..."Hellhound on my trail"

Johnson gives way to Kind of Blue

i cannot finish a thought in these note-pads

if i use the lap-top, Pixie wants to walk across the keyboard, purring all the while, if i use pen and paper, she wants to steal the pen and then come back and sit on the paper

recline, drift into sleep as Pixie curls up on my chest and her little furry sisters wedge in close to me, music playing, wind blowing outside and the sound of rain-drops pattering off of the window, the skylight and into the bucket under the hole in my bathroom ceiling

incense smoke rise to the skylight in wispy coils
what's it to you?
who go