karasu after taking the pictures of the murder scene, he could feel a a strange euphoria overtake him

nasty double homicide/suicide, man caught his wife and his best friend in_flagrante on the living room floor

by the looks of the scene, he had taken an hour to beat his friend to death

the only injuries she had sustained were the ligature marks on her wrists where she had rubbed them raw against the pantyhose he had tied her to the chair with and the discoloration where he had pinched her nostrils

there was an empty bottle of pills next to the chair and a half-empty glass of water

he had forced her to swallow the pills

he had beaten the friend so hard that he had swallowed the sock which had been used as a gag and asphyxiated

the post mortem would show that cuckolded husband had almost literally pulverized the contents of his friends abdomen, kicking the corpse well after it was dead, as evident by the bloody contusions and the pool of plood that had come through his nose

in the center of the carnage, in a pose reminiscent of the attitude of sepppuku, the crazed bastard had disemboweled himself with a long kitchen knife

from a certain angle, the blood streaming down his face seemed to be painted on in a deliberate fashion

closer examination revealed this to be simply illusion, but the pattern he thought he saw fascinated him

he looked again and again at the shots he had taken, the ones from the entry way with the killer in profile where the pattern appeared and the ones taken up close and direct where th pattern disappeared into the chaos that created it

with a bottle of vodka in hand, he went to the bathroom and drew a set of lines in his face with the marker he used to label his proofs and prints

maybe if make these permanent, he thouht as he took another drink
misstree the beauty in half-seen details 010711
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