silentbob swear to god i'll die if i go home alone tonight 030912
unhinged the last time i saw him i told him 'auntie nicole has to go back to milwaukee tomorrow owen' (for some reason i always refer to myself in the third person with them)

'i'll miss you' cuddled up closer; he was already in my lap.

i squeezed him still he started to squirm. 'i'll miss you too buddy'

'are you driving to milwaukee auntie nicole?' the way his little voice said milwaukee melted my heart. he shortened it to 'waukee' when he was really little.

'no. auntie nicole doesn't drive owen.'

'well how are you getting there?'

'in an airplane.'

his eyes widened. 'oh.'

'auntie nicole always takes an airplane from milwaukee.'

his eyes widened further. 'oh. let's play auntie nicole'

'ok buddy'
cr0wl great is going to have to find someone to play owen in our film. the character is eleven years-old. a portrait of myself as a prebuescent boy, living with a mentally ill father and self-deprecating mother. 090228
oops great=greta(daughter,3) 090228
ooops prepubescent 090228
what's it to you?
who go