epitome of incomprehensibility Lately I've said that I was a materialist in a literal sense. A sense that should be neutral, but it wasn't really. I was worried that I was missing out on things by not being very spiritual nor particularly scientific, and also afraid as well that I didn't have as much imagination as I used to.

Well, now I'll use the word in a narrower, specifically negative sense: I've bought too many things lately. And these were not only presents but comfort things for myself: clothes, books, and extra shampoo in case there's a shampoo apocalypse where all the shampoo goes missing and people fight their way through the barren desert to the fabled Shampoo Spring.

Of course I'm worried about my spending for a very materialist reason: I only have so much money.

But there must be a balance. Buying things isn't necessarily bad. (I would expand that and say "trading." That is broader.) But I don't want to be so concerned about just getting stuff. Bleh.
tender_square "whenever you get back from there, you're always talking about materialism," he said of her hometown. "it's pronounced. to the point that i've talked to my therapist about it. it lasts for about a day and a half before you return to yourself." 221113
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