past i am so sorry that the creepy neighbour is making what can only be a hard time much much worse. hopefully soon you'll be back on this side of the border and free from both. 221222
tender_square past, thank you so much for this message and for your support. 221223
kerry just wanna hop on this blathe to echo what past said--i am so sorry you're dealing with this. gross, creepy, icky... take good care ok? 221223
tender_square thank you, kerry. i am trying to do just that! hope you are well. 221223
raze (macaroni.) 221224
past this sounds like a nightmare, and that realtor only had their eye on getting paid so pushed for a quick lease. good luck and strong thoughts. 230404
tender_square thanks for your support, past. it is a nightmare that i pray will be over soon. 230404
what's it to you?
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