bijou they chase me down the streets of the city
i'm sure that spotlight is pointed at me
i'm glancing from the corners of my eyes
watching everyone that passes
most of them are kind
the bums want cigarettes and money

i am not afraid of my neighborhood.
i walk down the streets alone at night
everyone seems to be afraid for me
pilgrim When I was Young
It was a Common Veiw of the Future
That People Would Commute to Work each day in Personal Helicopters,
I am really rather glad that it never came to pass.
I mean just look at the way People Drive Now.
I keep thinking Look Out Below!
Sonya Miniature plastic bundles of fun,
filled with hours of spinning, twirling, whirling...

They might bring you back to earlier days when you played with legoes and Hotwheel cars.

Vehicles of great flight...sitting right on your coffee table.

Lift off! Fly away to another realm!
Lime Rider chop chop chop overhead. there goes another criminal 030107
what's it to you?
who go