rt we are at our best when we are infatuated with ________________________________. 090903
cr0wl being alive. 090904
auburn growth and change. 090904
grendel the wonder and mystery hidden in even the most mundane things 090904
each other. 090905
Isaou Opportunities and choice 090905
unhinged . 090906
eatingstars the world and everything in it. 090913
birdmad -- this blathe also evokes the song from the early 80's and with it, childhood memories,

summertime, hanging out with friends, twilight in the park when the heat began to fade

i can't hear the bass riff without slipping into a reverie of jumping off the swings and into the coarse sand

not minding the pain in the ass of the hard landing so much in exchange for the brief moment of flight

skinned knees, the last ice-cream man of the evening, the one with the giant rainbow snow-cones, climbing the obstacle wall and sitting there till the first parental yells from across the way began to subtract from the gathering, home to dinner, see you tomorrow.
raze the love that grows out of being the best versions of ourselves. 220114
what's it to you?
who go