raze once in a while i'll think about the good times. usually it's a song that'll bring something back. or a scene in a dream that has me sitting next to you in a movie theater, waiting for the coming_attractions. i'll picture us singing "the freshmen" and "bittersweet symphony" in our best kermit the frog voices. your cat making biscuits on my lap. watching your face light up when i bought you the gift your mother never let you have, two decades removed from the childhood she stomped on with safety shoes. i played the game i gave you for five hours straight the night before it stopped being mine. until dying didn't feel like anything anymore. you fed me and saddled me with a broken amplifier you couldn't sell or get any useful sounds out of. our friendship was like the album we almost made: full of promise and fated to fall apart. for all the good there is in you, there's cruelty too. you hold onto everything until your knuckles are white. and my skin is pale enough already. 231007
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