Sonya Last night I read about Evil and Impurity. I'm not overly religious...I identify with Theravada Buddhists though (prevalent in Southeast Asia).

The scriptures say that the enjoying of flesh is a sin...that this leads to suffering. Women shouldn't be lewd or desire men in such a way as this would cause disruption in society. I don't understand.

We are told that sex is wrong..that it's wrong to lay with someone in such a bare fashion. How can it be wrong to enjoy giving the one you love pleasure? How can it be wrong to enjoy what you were given at birth?

The intimacy obtained from making love to someone you care for is indescribable to me.

I'm not always sure of what to believe in. There are aspects of the scriptures I embrace wholeheartedly, but on this..the issue of having sex...I cannot agree with what I am told. We are told to strive against worldly desires, to literally go against our own human nature. Is there a breaking point? I'm sure someone has met it already.

I am not bashing my own religion, but I strive everyday to hold onto compassion for others, and to avoid unnecessary violence. I simply cannot sacrifice what I see as an act of love because I'm told it's evil. Forgive me Buddha...I try but I cannot let go of that. I know we are reborn and our actions have consequences, but if we don't even appreciate the time we have here on earth when we're here...what are we going to learn? I know I don't pray as often anymore...I haven't abandoned your teachings.

It was your own words that stated we should closely examine what we are taught before we embrace it. Thank you for guiding me with your words. I hope the path I tread will lead to at least some enlightenment at the end. If not, at least I was given an incredible journey...filled with burning love and simple yet beauteous gifts.
what's it to you?
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