epitome of incomprehensibility I seem to have a talent for catching them. Counting on my calendar: four last year. And starting the year with another, a more severe one that hits me just as the milder December version wanes.

Healthwise, I'm generally lucky. As an adult, I rarely get fevers. I've gone years without throwing up. So it seems I have a specialty (achoo).
raze i used to have that same talent. i'm not sure what changed. maybe just not being around people so much anymore? my one regret is that i never recorded myself singing when i sounded like the most ridiculous temporary baritone on the planet.

in any case, i hope you feel better really soon.
e_o_i Better today, thanks. The COVID test I took this morning was negative, so it seems I *can* just catch one cold right after another like that (more than one strain of viruses causes the common cold, so it's possible). But why even take the test? It's not like I'm hauling my still-sniffly self to the library. Nein danke. I've resolved to write from home and not get distracted by the internet (says she, getting distracted by the internet). 250103
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