amy adaptability Perhaps every endeavor will have bankrupted itself w mismanagement of "funds" (meant mostly figuratively)

tho we did keep a shit-ton of record.
epitome of incomprehensibility It came up in a conversation I had with J last week. On Monday she left for the States to do a computer course but she'll be back in December. We were sitting on the McGill hill in the warm sun and talking. Both of us were mad at Mme. Marois for her borderline racist Charter of Quebec Values (too long to get into here), but we disagreed about how to promote freedom of religion - I said that the freedom to be non-religious should be specifically included in the wording and she said it didn't need to be... and somehow that led to this anecdote:

Two years ago, at a volunteer meeting at Concordia, I was complaining about people who wanted to convert you to a religion while you were walking through the hall to class.

My problem was with the place and time rather than the message, but LY, another volunteer, chimed in with, "I know. I don't see why anyone believes in God in the 21st century!"

I didn't really like that, it seemed presumptuous of her, so I said nothing.

Two weeks later, at the next meeting, a younger guy mentioned he drank Pepsi after working out at the gym.

LY shook her head at him and said, "I don't see why anyone drinks soft drinks in the 21st century!"


I liked her better after that, as I said to J, but I couldn't help thinking of her after that as "the atheist who doesn't like soft drinks." And I said I label people too much.

J said it's easy to do that to people you don't know as well. Because you have to remember them some way.

And then I said, "But I don't do that to you. Because you're the first person whom I think of when I think of the name J-."

And we realized we'd known each other for 20 years, or maybe 21. Before the 21st century.
e_o_i (I mean, we'd have met in '92 or '93, not twenty years before the twenty-first century. I was exactly -8 in 1980.) 130926
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