epitome of incomprehensibility Ah, so I haven't blathed on this. Time to right the wrongs of the past, or at least write them.

My student's guesses about werewolves in Jane_Eyre were a bit off the mark, but not as much as my childhood conjectures when I watched Muppet Treasure Island.

I saw a bunch of muppets freaking out about "the Black Spot," which I remember being a black dot on a piece of paper, and I came up with a theory why:

see, the Black Spot was actually a black hole that could suck them in at any time and the whole Earth with them.

Hey, it was scarier than anything in that movie! Though my brother, just five or six at the time, was frightened of the swordfight later on. I was around eight. Both of us took it very seriously.

(Oh yeah, and my reading material around that time included Isaac Asimov's illustrated astronomy book and kids' sci-fi like My Teacher Is an Alien.)
e_o_i Oh yeah - I attribute the Muppet Treasure Island story to my imaginary_life Carol Winter, too. One of the few things there that's fully autobiographical, though a lot of stuff is partly so. 220210
raze this makes me think of renting the 1994 film "swimming with sharks" on vhs many moons ago.

the packaging presented the movie as a lighthearted comedy. it wasn't that. at all. it was some dark, jarring stuff for my twelve-year-old brain to take in. the turn the story took at the end creeped me right the hell out.

i never watched it again. i'm not sure i'd want to, knowing what i do now about what's-his-face. but i haven't forgotten it.
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